IQAI International QA Institute - Official Website - 特定非営利活動(NPO)法人「国際品質保証協会」-伝統と実績を誇る日本最初のQAプロ集団!-

Training for Professionals in QA /Management

IQAI is providing various professional courses for quality assurance (QA) and quality management (QM) to enhance the ability and competency of quality practitioners and managers as listed on the page of Training Courses for Clients

The attendees at the Quality Assurance/Management System Courses (both Theory and Advanced) who pass the exams at the end of the courses and clear all other criteria will be certified as the “IQAI Approved QA Auditor”, and “QA/QM Consultant” according as grade, performance and competence. For IQAI Members, the attendees will have a discount of the attendance fee.